Air Force Chute

The main Air Force Chute is a huge and extremely difficult and dangerous North facing chute that drops into Granite Canyon. Avalanche Danger is very high, and the exit takes you in the line of fire of other big avalanche chutes. These chutes are known for wind slab formation, which could cause instabilities and deadly slides midway down the run. Because of this, it's very hard to test the snowpack for stability. You should never drop into a zone in the backcountry when other people are still in it down below you. If you see fresh tracks going in, you should wait for them to get out, or better yet, choose another objective. There are a couple other Airforce Chutes to the skier's left, which are arguably even more dangerous and even less likely to be filled in all the way.


*All Mapped Areas are Approximations


Guide Books

Jackson Hole Ski Atlas, Edition III by Angus M. Thuermer

(Links to guidebooks may be affiliate links)


All videos are Copyright their respective owners. These are 3rd party videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo and we make no guarantees as to their accuracy or relevance.

Air Force Couloir Granite Canyon by Warren Anderson: 01/28/2017

Air Force 1 Jan 30th 2016 by geoffhang10: 01/30/2016

Air Force Couloirs by Tim JH: 03/25/2013

Jackson Part I THE AIRFORCE CHUTE by Lars Mars: 03/15/2011 by gordo022: 12/28/2010

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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations

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