Turkey Chute

A popular North-Northwest facing couloir off the backside of Twenty-Five Short, Turkey Chute is long, steep, and moderately narrow, with a dogleg halfway down. Avalanche danger should be considered high and the exit is obviously quite a bit longer than that of 25 Short. You can access this zone from the Taggart Lake Trailhead. The bottom offers choices in your descent. The best way is to cut over skier's right and take another segment of chute down to the floor of Avalanche Canyon, which is your exit.


*All Mapped Areas are Approximations



All videos are Copyright their respective owners. These are 3rd party videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo and we make no guarantees as to their accuracy or relevance.

Turkey Chute - GTNP by Izzy Lazarus: 04/22/2017

Turkey Chute by Rob Pitts: 05/04/2014

Turkey Chute Slide by Rob Pitts: 04/30/2014

Turkey Chute off 25 Short by Dean Judson: 04/29/2014

Turkey Chute by Steve Weiss: 04/01/2014

Turkey Chute - Steve & Kelley by Christian Santelices: 02/09/2012

Skiing Turkey Chute in the Grand Tetons by Jo Haines: 04/20/2009

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