KB Ridge

KB Ridge runs to the Northeast from the skier's left side of Avalanche Bowl. You can ski all the way down the ridge, or use it to access the North Woods to the left. To the right, dropping off the ridge, there are dangerous cliffs, with some short skiable slots. That area has high avalanche danger. From the bottom, you can either skin back up and out, or take the long runout to Old Pass Road.


*All Mapped Areas are Approximations



Teton Pass Summit

There is an overflow lot where parking is permitted 1 quarter of a mile to the East of the summit of Teton Pass. Sometimes parking is closed at the top of the pass and in those times you'll have to be dropped off or hitchhike.

Guide Books

Jackson Hole Backcountry Skier's Guide: South by Thomas Turiano

(Links to guidebooks may be affiliate links)

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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations

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