S Chute

The Northmost of the SkY Chutes (S Chute, K Chute, Y Chute) and just to the South of Conoco Chute and Gasoline Alley. This is a dangerous avalanche chute. It can be good on the right days. The trees above it to the skier’s left are more North facing than this West facing chute and they tend to hold better, softer snow. Up top near the peak usually doesn’t fill in too well. You’ll have to drop in from down near the trees. Be wary of wind loading out here. It can create unexpected slabs that might break and step down into a big avalanche. Even though the pitch here is the least steep of the SKY Chutes, the walls are steep, the chute is long, and an avalanche from above could be devastating. When you get down, make your way out to the bike path. There’s a bridge to look for to get across the creek just left of the exit. You’ll drop in around 12,200 feet just above treeline, and hit the bike path at about 9750 feet. The snow rarely covers all the way up to around 12750 near the peak. The chute averages about 22 or 23 degrees at a maximum of just over 30 degrees.


*All Mapped Areas are Approximations



Copper Mountain Far East Lot

Behind the parking lot is a bridge across the creek.


The SKY Chutes

S-K-Y Chutes

Guide Books

Making Turns in The Tenmile-Mosquito Range by Fritz Sperry

(Links to guidebooks may be affiliate links)


All videos are Copyright their respective owners. These are 3rd party videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo and we make no guarantees as to their accuracy or relevance.

The S Chute by POVPowder: 02/21/2015

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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations

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