Peak 1 Lower Northeast Face

Peak 1 Lower Northeast Face

These short steep shots are N-NE facing and very dangerous. The pitch is extreme. You can get right back up on the ridge from the bottom of the face. Higher up the ridge are the Peak 1 Upper Northeast Face runs, which are longer and of comparable pitch. Between them is the Peak 1 Northeast Couloir. This zone is known for its extreme avalanche danger.


*All Mapped Areas are Approximations



Miner's Creek

In the summer you can drive farther down the road beyond the trailhead.


Peak One Northeast Couloir

Peak One Northeast Couloir

Peak One Northeast Couloir Closeup

Looking up at Peak One Northeast Couloir

Peak One Lower Northeast Face

Options on Peak 1 Lower Northeast Face

Peak One Lower Northeast Face

Peak 1 Lower Northeast Face

Guide Books

Making Turns in The Tenmile-Mosquito Range by Fritz Sperry

(Links to guidebooks may be affiliate links)


All videos are Copyright their respective owners. These are 3rd party videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo and we make no guarantees as to their accuracy or relevance.

Peak One Lower Northeast Face by POVPowder: 04/12/2015

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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations

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Jim Weaver
Jim Weaver
6 years ago

Watch out when you’re on the ridge, avalanches on the North Face could propagate up through the flat parts