Drift Peak North Face

This is a huge steep North face that exits through a choice of gullies. The skier’s right exit contains cliffs so you may want to take the skier’s left exit. Be careful on the approach as you come up the ridge above the cornice. You don’t want to break that off. There may also be a cornice at the drop-in point. This is definitely not a winter line. Save it for a safe, solid snowpack. You can get a good look at your line from down below in Mayflower Gulch.


*All Mapped Areas are Approximations



Gold Hill Cornice

The Cornice Above Gold Hill at Mayflower Gulch

Drift Peak Hike

The Ridge Hike to Drift Peak


All videos are Copyright their respective owners. These are 3rd party videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo and we make no guarantees as to their accuracy or relevance.

Drift Peak by Mark Moran: 05/29/2014

Drift Peak by Jason Maurer: 12/01/2013

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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations

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