
Cadillac Chute, Montezuma CO

A North facing avalanche gully off Tip Top Peak. Use the parking area at Peru Creek Road and hike up the nearest ridge to access this line. The parking is right where Peru Creek Road branches off from Montezuma Road.Near the bottom when you get back into the trees you may want to traverse skier’s left to cut off some of the walk along the road to get back to the parking area.You could access this line by hiking up a mining road to the Northeast of the town of Montezuma, but you can’t park in town. They can and will tow you so don’t try to shuttle a car and leave one in town. Maybe you could find someone to drop you off.


*All Mapped Areas are Approximations



High Voltage and Cadillac

High Voltage to the Looker's Left, Cadillac to the Right

Corkscrew, High Voltage, Cadillac

Left to Right: Corkscrew, High Voltage, Cadillac


Cadillac Chute

Top of Cadillac

The Top of Cadillac

Cadillac Below the Choke

Below the Chokepoint in Cadillac

Cadillac Lower

Lower Runout From Cadillac Chute


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Cadillac Couloir by Eric Fazendin: 01/02/2015

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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations

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