The Professor
A notorious avalanche chute across the highway from Arapahoe Basin. This can slide big during times of bad conditions, which are frequent, and can potentially cover the road. Be wary of a huge cornice that forms along the top which can break off underneath you. Access this line from the ridge to the North when the timing is right and conditions are safe. Also known as "The Little Professor," especially by the CAIC.
*All Mapped Areas are Approximations
Avalanche Reports
01/24/2019 - (Multiple Reports)
12/27/2017 - (Multiple Reports)
Guide Books
Making Turns in Colorado’s Front Range Vol 1: South of Interstate 70 by Fritz Sperry
Loveland Pass Backcountry Ski Map by Rob Writz
(Links to guidebooks may be affiliate links)
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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations
Cut left to the switchback on the road instead of skiing all the way down to the bottom. You’ll thank me.