Perfect Trees
Some call this area a “Berthoud Classic.” The so-called Perfect Trees are the South facing trees between the Postage Stamp/Upper 110s and the Middle 110s. The trees are openly spaced but there is deadfall to avoid here early or late season. This is a place where you can do a few laps on a clear day. Pitched pretty consistently in the low to mid twenty degrees. You can access the Teacup Bowl below here fall line/skier’s right or the Middle/Lower 110s to the skier’s left.
*All Mapped Areas are Approximations
Avalanche Reports
Guide Books
Making Turns in Colorado's Front Range Vol. 2 by Fritz Sperry
Backcountry Skiing: Berthoud Pass, Colorado by Rob Writz
(Links to guidebooks may be affiliate links)
All videos are Copyright their respective owners. These are 3rd party videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo and we make no guarantees as to their accuracy or relevance.
Perfect Trees, Berthoud Pass, Colorado by Jason Maurer: 01/10/2014
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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations