Center Chute
Center Chute is a steep North facing chute in the middle of 2nd Creek Ridge. Avalanche danger is high.
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A Compendium of Resources for Backcountry Skiers and Snowboarders
Center Chute is a steep North facing chute in the middle of 2nd Creek Ridge. Avalanche danger is high.
*All Mapped Areas are Approximations
*All Mapped Areas are Approximations
Copyright 2020 BC Recon All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The backcountry is always dangerous. This includes the terrain accessed through backcountry gates at ski resorts. You could die in any area. You may encounter hazards including but not limited to: avalanches, cliffs, tree wells, rocks, stumps, fallen trees, man-made structures, other backcountry users, open creeks & streams, rapidly changing weather conditions, low visibility, frost bite, wild animals, and other unforeseeable dangers. Avalanche conditions as well as general skiing conditions can vary by time of day, by pitch, by elevation, and by specific location. You should never venture into the backcountry without a probe, a shovel, a beacon, a first aid kit, and expert proficiency in using all of these things. Never go into the backcountry alone, and never go into the backcountry without telling someone where you're going. Even properly prepared, and even if you do everything right, you could injure yourself or die. Know the risks and understand the decision you're making. Nothing on this website constitutes an endorsement to ski or ride any of the areas described herein. Use this website at your own risk.
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